How to Hack Android Front Camera?

Ever wondered that you want to see the person who is using the mobile phone? The only way you can see the person who is using the mobile phone is by turning on their front camera, right? So, the question is how you can turn on the front camera and spy on the person without letting them know? If the person finds out that you are spying on them, they will surely not let you see them. This is why the procedure is called hacking.

We will see how you can hack the android front camera with ease. We will see a complete way using which you can hack the phone camera and it won’t even notify the person. In simpler words, they won’t even know about it.

Overview of hacking phone camera

If you want to hack a phone camera, there is no direct way you can hack it. In simpler words, you can’t use any default apps using which you can spy on it. No doubt, the camera app can capture the photo of the person but you can’t get the photo on your device, and neither you can see that photo in any possible way. The only way you can see that photo is if you use their phone.

So, we will be using another third-party app using which you can spy on the person. We will be using a third-party app using which you can do it. The application will take all the data from the camera and send it to you.

Well, this is how you can get a photo of the things that are already captured in the camera. But what if you want to get the details of things that are not already captured? In simpler words, what if they don’t capture any photos?

This is where you will need an app that can not only just get the images from the files and send them to you but can also turn on the camera.

Now, if an app turns on the camera, it will start displaying it over all the apps and the person using the phone might start to wonder, why the camera was turned on.

So, you will need an app that can run the camera in the background without letting the other person know about it. This is how you can easily get things started and you can easily find the best out of it.

We will see how you can use such apps.

The Phone Monitoring App

You can easily use the phone monitoring app here. A phone monitoring app will make sure that you can spy on all the things that are in the target phone. So, you can surely use a phone monitoring app for all spying purposes.

This type of tool will monitor the entire phone and will send you all the data. It’s not just for the camera but all the purposes. So, you can spy on the entire phone and not just on the camera of the phone. therefore, you can surely use this type of application to hack the front camera of any android device.

There are many such apps and the features of all the apps are different. You can use the app that is most useful for you and the app that features will fit your need. So, the question is which is the best app that you can use?

The best phone monitoring app that you can use for all purposes is JJSPY. JJSPY allows you to spy on any phone with ease. Whether you are planning to hack android front camera or back camera, JJSPY can do that for you.

Overview of JJSPY

JJSPY is the best phone monitoring tool that has all the features. You can spy on the compete device and get all the information from it. The good thing is that it works on most of the android versions. So, you don’t need to worry about the version of the target device. You can simply install the app and start using it.

You don’t even need to root the target device. You can easily start spying even if the target device is not rooted. Most of the phone monitoring app will require to root the android device. Therefore, this is a great advantage here. You don’t need to worry about the rooting.

The last thing that people are worried about is what if the target person finds out that you have installed a phone monitoring app on their phone? Well, for that, JJSPY works on hidden mode. So, you don’t even need to worry about that.


We will mostly focus on the camera features as that’s the reason why you are here, right? So, we will mostly focus on that.

  • You can easily capture the photo anytime you want. Whether you want to capture the image from the front camera or you want to capture it from the back camera, you can easily do that with the help of JJSPY.
  • You can turn on the camera in the background and the person won’t even know about it. You can easily spy on the camera without letting them know about it. This can be done with the help of a camera streaming feature.
  • You can also get the files that are on the mobile phone. With this, you can get the photos that are already captured using the front camera

These were the camera features that you will get in the tool. Now, we will see other features.

  • You can spy on all the apps
  • You can also see the messages and conversation from social communication and social media apps
  • The app allows you to see the browsing history of the person
  • You can see the location of the person.
  • SMS, call logs, and contact spying features are also available here

There are many more features using which you can get all the information. It’s a complete spying toolkit using which you can get all the information that you will probably require.

Steps to hack the front camera

Now, let’s get into the steps and see how you can hack the front camera

Step 1: Get the JJSPY app

The first thing that you will have to do is get the JJSPY app. You can choose the android plan from the official website and create your account. As we are spying on an android phone, we will have to select the android plan from it. Fill up the details and create an account.

Step 2: Install the app

This is a bit hard step. You will get an app link when you log in to the account. You will have to open that link in the target device and install the app. You can borrow their mobile phone fr a while and install the app. It won’t take more than 5 minutes to this step as well as the next step.

Don’t worry, the user won’t see the app after you configure it. It will disappear from the mobile phone but you can still see the data.

Step 3: Configure the app

The next step is the configuration of the app. This is the place where you need to open the app and enter the details. You will have to enter the JJSPY details in the app when you open it. After you enter the details, you have successfully configured the app.

As mentioned in the previous step, the app will disappear after you configure it. So, once you complete this step, the app will be gone. Therefore, there is nothing to worry about it and you can surely use this app.

Step 4: Start Spying

Now you have completed almost all the steps. Now, you just need to do the last step that is to start spying. You can simply open your JJSPY app and there will be an option to turn on the live stream. You can simply click on it and then you can select the camera.

You will start seeing the live stream of the camera. You can switch the camera with the help of the above button. There will be a small option using which you can switch the camera. This is how you can open the front camera and see the details.

In the same way, if you want to see the details of the back camera, you can do it by heading over to the files and then you can find the camera images there.

Final Words

To conclude, this was all about how you can hack an android front camera without letting anyone know about it. You can surely use the JJSPY app for it. There are many other features given in the JJSPY app. You can explore all the menus and we are sure, you will find many features that will be far more interesting than the camera spying one. We have already mentioned some of the popular features in the features section of this guide. There are many more features that you will get in the app. You can surely view the live demo of the tool from the official website.

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